In Metrology, LOLS has been active in different domains, since 1990:

Photonic systems to measure and control

  • Primary Metrology of vibrations
  • Applied length metrology

In Instrumentation (TRL > 6), LOLS has been active in industrial tools and systems, space, defence, printing, culture, cartography and environment.

See LOLS projects in Equipment for Industry and Services, their inter-relations and funding organizations.

See all LOLS projects in Equipment with a high TRL level.

Interferometric techniques are used for optical metrology, in particular for calibration of accelerometers and diffraction metrology. Standard Michelson interferometry with both homodyne and heterodyne detection was used to calibrate standard accelerometers for frequencies not exceeding 10 kHz. International key comparisons were already held for a low frequencies (using homodyne detection) and for high frequencies regime (using heterodyne detection). At present, performances are limited to 6 nm of amplitude displacement. FCUL is currently doing research in the topic of rocking motion, in view of an improvement in the overall measurement accuracy. Parallel and 2D interferometric approaches are being developed.

Optical metrology was also developed in the context of the CEMICRO (Excellence Network for Micromachining) network - related to the evaluation and development of technology for dimensional micrometrology, to assist and assure quality control for micromachining processes, namely optical diffuse tomography and laser self mixing interferometry.

In optical radiometry, we pinpoint the support to Lusospace to test and calibrate its GAIA OGSE (Optical Ground Segment Equipment (delivered to GAIA prime contractor, EADS Astrium), namely in the fields of low light level (nW/m2) calibration and uniformity tests, temporal stability and image analysis for star pattern projection tasks.

In the field of optical systems for industrial applications, FCUL is involved in several projects regarding the development and integration of dedicated optical and photonic instrumentation for close range distance metrology, namely to measure and manage pavements. In this context, the main objective of the project VIAPAV (Veículo Integrado de Análise de Pavimentos e Aquisição por Visão), contracted by Estereofoto, is the development of specific  instrumentation (and related telemetry and data processing units) for a vehicle mounted  modular system for geo-referencing  and collecting data on roads, pavements and other road structures.

With the objective of testing the optical behaviour of inks when subjected to natural aging under solar light, asolar simulator was projected and developed (under contract to INCM) to implement accelerated aging. The uniformity of the irradiation was modelled following the experimental analysis of the illumination spectra of the lamps, and the distribution of the acceleration factors over the testing area was predicted. The overall system’s command and control was projected based on a set of integrated sensors (temperature and illumination).