In Defence & Security, LOLS has been active in different areas since 1980:

  • Optical Security
  • Security of infrastructures
  • Simulation for training in defence systems
  • Battle Lab
  • Space IMINT
  • Photonic defence instrumentation for vision, detection and direct energy links

See all LOLS projects in Defence & Security, their inter-relations and funding organizations.


Infrared technologies

FCUL capabilities in IR can be summarised as follows:

  • System concepts and design of specific receiver optics systems.
  • Extended modelling capabilities for critical performance evaluation of sensor systems
  • Low noise, high bandwidth  electronic circuit development
  • Thick film hybrid design, production and testing
  • Development of sensing capabilities in the NIR band
  • System and scenario analysis. Background and atmospheric channel analysis.
  • System modelling and trade-off analysis for EO detection systems

Laser systems and technologies

In the area of optical laser radar, FCUL participated in the RTP 8.5-EUROFINDER project, to implement an active obstacle avoidance system for low altitude flying platforms. FCUL tasks were focused on the receiver subsystem and receiver optics (see figure of the developed Laser Receiver Hybrid). Specific efforts in terms of the development of a very high sensitivity laser receiver, based in the use of avalanche photodiodes for the NIR spectrum, contributed to increased in-house capabilities for modelling, design and implementation of low noise receiver systems, including the production of thick film receiver hybrids with enhanced performance.

In the area of laser warning, FCUL participated in a project with the PoAF focused in the Laser Warning theme, where a model for a new technique for passive AOA (angle-of arrival) sensor was developed. The architecture based on an optical monopulse receiver was developed, allowing the detection and location finding of distant NIR sources, with a resolution better than the demanded in conventional warning systems.

In the area of Laser Firing Simulation, and in the context of a long term program for the introduction of laser technologies within the Portuguese Armed Forces, FCUL has participated in projects regarding the development of laser firing simulators for the PoA and PoAF, addressing specific integration of laser emitters in weapon systems for the infantry and training aircrafts, along with the development of sensor systems, in order to provide safe and realistic field trials, during early stages of training.

In the area of defence systems, we recall, in the context of the EUCLID-RTP 8.2, the development of algorithms for the detection, classification and tracking of targets in infrared imagery, as well as the analysis of new system concepts and definition of architectures for future Infra-Red Search and Track (IRST) systems. Relevant developments were made in the areas of architectures, design, requirements and system concepts for IRST and simulator development; detection and recognition of stationary extended targets; detection of moving and point targets; electronic image stabilisation; multiple target tracking.

In defence related areas, we represent Portugal in the NATO study group responsible for the analysis of the use of direct energy technology in defence.  Our main action is in the laser technology use in civil and military defence under NATO activities. We are also modelling atmospheric propagation and simulating adaptive optics interaction on beam propagation under an EDA project. The objective of this project is to study the layout of an effector against artillery ammunition and rockets (RAM-targets), based on a high energy laser source and on a high position fast beam pointing and steering system.

Simulation in defence

Experience in the area of simulation as applied to defence has been gained with two EUCLID projects, RTP 11.12 and RTP 11.13. The former, “WaSiF- In-Flight Demonstration of Embedded Simulation On-Board Fighter Aircraft”, targeted the creation of BVR (Beyond Visual Range) missions, through simulated radar and situational displays in the fighter aircraft cockpit. The pilot therefore is able to train with the simulated mission while actually flying the aircraft, thus making the experience more realistic. Specific experience was gained in the specification and design of a real embedded simulation system and in the implementation of radar and situational awareness cockpit displays and mission debriefing software.

The latter project, “Realising the Potential of Networked Simulation in Europe”, analysed and proposed solutions to the obstacles that prevent widespread adoption of large-scale, distributed simulation exercises based on synthetic environments. Experience has been consolidated in the design and implementation of a distributed repository based on XML technology.