Color dynamics of diffraction gratings: evaluation and applications in optical security, P.Pires, J.M. Rebordão, Applied Optics 38(35),7183-7192(1999) (1999 - 1).
Automatic detection and recognition of stationary motorized vehicles in infrared images, Bento Correia, João Dinis, Roger Davies, SPIE Proceedings, Vol. 3718, p.140-151 (1999 - 2).
Detection and tracking of multiple targets in infrared images, Pedro Ribau, João Dinis, Bento Correia, SPIE Proceedings, Vol. 3692, p.290-299 (1999 - 2).
New optical method for water treatment control, Teresa Chambino, João Coelho, Anabela Correia, John Gregory,EUROPTO 1999 (1999 - 2).
New optical method for water treatment control, Teresa Chambino, Joao M Coelho, Ana Isabel Correia, John Gregory, SPIE Proceedings Vol. 3821, 300-308 (1999), [Environmental Sensing and Applications] (1999 - 2).
On the use of GPS measurements on board of PoSAT-1 for TEC evaluation, I. Osório, J.P. Osório, J. M. Rebordão, JSG28, IUGG99, Birmingham, UK, 1999 [Poster] (1999 - 2).
The sensitivity of the reduced dynamics to the Earth's gravity model in the orbitography of LEO sateliites with GPS: the PoSAT-1 case study, I. Osório, J.P. Osório, J. M. Rebordão, G4, IUGG99, Birmingham, UK, 1999 [Poster] (1999 - 2).
Atomic force microscopy and transmission electron microscopy of a copper-cobalt alloy produced via powder metalurgy, P. Pires, J. B. Correia, J. M. Rebordão, Actas do 9º Encontro da Sociedade Portuguesa dos Materiais, Materiais 99, A.5.2, 2-7, 1999 (1999 - 3).
Segurança Laser, M. C. Pires, Semin. Segurança, Fiabilidade e Análise de Avarias, Esc. Naval Alfeite (edição em CD) (1999 -3).
Algorithm Combination and Testing, S. P. Broek, B. Correia, J. Dinis, P. Ribau, R. van der Rijt, J. D. Rodrigues, P. B. Schewring, M. Vercouteren, R. Visser, A. C. M. Wagenaar, EUCLID RTP 8.2 - Final Report 257.2F (1999 - 4).
Detection of Stationary Point Target, R. A. W. Kemp, S. P. Broek, B. Correia, J. Dinis, P. Ribau, P. B. Schewring, EUCLID RTP 8.2 - Final Report 255.2F (1999 - 4).
Relatório de Actividades do LAER - 1999, J. M. Rebordão, (1999 - 6).
ViZeeP - Vigilância da poluição marinha na ZEE de Portugal por satélite, J. M. Rebordão, (1999 - 6).