

Photonics, an enabling technology for interdisciplinary physics

Optics and Lasers is the focus of the activity of the Laboratory of Optics, Lasers and Systems (LOLS), following the transfer of such capabilities from INETI (formerly National Institute of Engineering, Technology and Innovation) into the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon (FCUL) in May 2009. Within the ex-INETI (1979 – 2009), LOLS encompassed the researchers and laboratories of formerly LAER (Aerospace Laboratory) and DOP (Department of Optoelectronics).

LOLS is a contract-research laboratory within the Physics Department of FCUL, executing R&D, advanced engineering and services on optics, lasers and sensor systems, materials laser processing, signal and image processing and geo-spatial intelligence techniques, to incorporate into metrological and testing systems, instruments and equipments and software applications.

LOLS is not a FCT-funded research unit. Instead, LOLS promotes photonics as an enabling and pervasing technology that makes applications possible by solving key sensing, metrological and instrumentation related problems.

LOLS has been approved by the Scientific Board of FCUL as a Knowledge Transfer and Technology Unit (UFTCT or Unidade Funcional de Transferência de Conhecimento e Tecnologia) (December 16, 2009), following the General Regulation applicable to the UFTCT. LOLS is associated to the Physics Department and to Chemistry and Biochemistry Department of FCUL.

LOLS has a team of Physicists, Physical Engineers, Mechanical Engineers, Aerospace Engineers with specializations in optical engineering and laser systems, with experience accumulated since 1979.

LOLS target markets are Space (civil and military), Astrophysics, Security, Defence, Metrology and Industry. Our main customers are (and have been) ESA, ESO, EUMETSAT, European Defence Organizations, Portuguese MoD and Portuguese industrial and service companies.

LOLS researchers are associated to other FCUL research centres: IAIBEB and BioISI,  thus enlarging the scope of applicability of optical and laser technologies within FCUL, and maximizing the benefits from the optical laboratorial infrastructure.

LOLS scientists have played a key role (initiator and Proposal Management) in the Space Consortium initiative, approved by FCT in September 2009. In addition, LOLS is the Portuguese R&D laboratory with the largest number of space and defence contracts.

LOLS researchers have been active to promote industrial liaison for space activities and transfers relevant information on ESA and space activities to Portuguese companies, facilitating their business with ESA. In addition, LOLS scientists have been representing Portugal in ESA (MCTES) and in several Steering Committees and Program Boards of WEU, WEAG and NATO programs (MoD).


Presentation of FCUL Optics and Lasers capabilities (pdf, 2.46 MB)

Presentation of individual projects (pdf, 7.2 MB)